Am 16.09.2014 um 11:55 schrieb Apollon Oikonomopoulos:
>> a) stop vs. forcedstop
>> stop does not work if there are still open sessions:
>>      # /etc/init.d/tgt stop ; echo $?
>>              [FAIL] Stopping target framework daemon: tgtd failed!
>>              Some initiators are still connected - could not stop tgtd
>>              2
>> I had to change the use of stop() to forcedstop(), so that tgt works with 
>> HeartBeat.
> This is intentional and I am a bit reluctant to change the behavior at 
> this point (although under systemd we default to forcedstop, having no 
> ability to define custom actions). I'll think a bit more about 
> defaulting to a hard behavior before the next release. Note that failing 
> in this case does not seem to be an LSB violation.

Think about stopping a SQL or Webservice, where are still (and any time)
users. Not stopping on stop is buggy :(

Mit freundlichem Gruß / With kind regards,
 Patrick Matthäi
 GNU/Linux Debian Developer


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