Am 24.09.2014 um 18:45 schrieb Michael Biebl:
> Craig was so kind and provided me with access to the VM images.
> With that image I was able to reproduce the upgrade failure.
> I checked the systemd state before the upgrade and noticed that
> sstemd-logind.service had failed to start due to dbus not being installed.
> So I made a second test-upgrade and I installed the dbus package beforehand.
> With dbus being installed and dbus.service running, the dist-upgrade was
> successful.
> There might be an issue with the internal dbus socket, that systemd uses
> for communication. My guess is, that with dbus.service running, it can
> fall back to the system bus for communication in case there is something
> wrong with that internal dbus socket.

One more observation:
The udev package is configured before systemd, i.e. udev.postinst runs
before systemd.postinst (systemd.postinst run daemon-reexec).

The restart of udev (invoke-rc.d udev restart) is what's failing.
I tried it manually via
root@vp9cb:~# systemctl restart udev.service
Failed to wait for response: Success

If I manually reexec systemd via "systemctl daemon-reexec", I can
successfully finish the dist-upgrade via
dpkg --configure -a and apt-get -f install

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