Jens Seidel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Here, again, we are at a point were the debiandoc-sgml maintainers need
>> to decide (perhaps you have, but I don't know yet):
>> Do you want to produce PDF files only with pdflatex, or is there a
>> reason to create them via latex/dvips/ps2pdf?
> PDF files are not created using latex/dvips/ps2pdf! (See again #321942.)

So why not simply drop hyperref at all in this case?

>> If yes, you should use CJKbookmarks also for DVI files, as indicated
>> above.  If not (and I recommend that), simply do not load hyperref at
>> all when producing dvi (unless you want to distribute DVI files, too). 
> Since our packages FTBFS all the time it may be a good idea to add an
> option to debiandoc2latex to specify the further processing. 

Why do you think you need this?  Isn't


enough?  This will ignore hyperref completely for dvi generation, and
thus for ps generation.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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