On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 03:10:10PM +0100, Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:
> David Mart??nez Moreno wrote:
> >
> >Could you please test latest version (204-0pre1) from
> >experimental and see if it works? It works for me (I use
> >ISO8859-15):
> No, it does not work. I have to set UTF-8 manually just like with
> version 202. Version 200 is OK.

I already responded to this in


also see the manpage:

       -u8     This  option  sets  the utf8 resource.  When utf8 is set, xterm
               interprets incoming data as UTF-8.   This  sets  the  wideChars
               resource  as  a  side-effect,  but  the  UTF-8 mode set by this
               option prevents it from being turned off.  If you must turn  it
               on and off, use the wideChars resource.
               This option and the utf8 resource are overridden by the -lc and
               -en options and locale resource.  That is, if  xterm  has  been
               compiled  to  support  luit,  and  the  locale  resource is not
               ``false'' this option is ignored.  We recommend using  the  -lc
               option  or  the ``locale: true'' resource in UTF-8 locales when
               your operating system supports locale, or -en UTF-8  option  or
               the  ``locale: UTF-8'' resource when your operating system does
               not support locale.

The default value for the locale resource is ``medium''.  If you set it to
``false'', the -u8 option will work as you want.

Thomas E. Dickey

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