On Sat, Dec 03, 2005 at 12:09:07PM +0100, Christian Perrier wrote:
> In #284110, Colin Watson proposes a patch used in Ubuntu to allow
> creating a udeb package for pciutils. 
> As the D-I team often needs more info about some specific hardward, it
> would be nice to have a udeb in order to allow using lspci as early as
> possible during installs, especially when some hardware is
> unsupported.

Now that we've switched to udev in trunk it's more than nice; it's
necessary to be able to display network device names in netcfg (since we
no longer get them from discover).

> So, I have uploaded a NMU in DELAYED/7-day (which allows some
> maintainer's reaction), using Colin's patch with two changes:


Colin Watson                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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