Control: found -1 0.6.11-1

On 2011-09-18 20:16:55 +0200, Yann Dirson wrote:
> If I have forbidden a package version in testing, and I see in
> unstable a new version with the bug not fixed, I cannot forbid that
> new one: if I do, the version in testing is not forbidden any more and
> will likely get installed.  Thus I have to wait until it gets migrated
> and rely on me noticing at that time...

Same problem. IMHO, aptitude should forbid all versions up to the
forbidden version, not just the forbidden version. This would match
a bit more the description, i.e. only newer versions will be
automatically installed.

  "F":  Forbid a package from being automatically upgraded to          ▒
        a particular version; newer versions will be automatically     ▒
        installed.                                                     ▒

BTW, it seems that when I hit 'U', the forbidden packages are not
selected as to be upgraded yet (they are still in white). The problem
can be seen only after dependency/conflict resolution.

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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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