Hello Paul, 

On Tue, 2014-10-21 at 04:45 -0400, Paul Yushkevich wrote:
> I am going to try looking into this problem this week. I have been building
> on Centos, and there the Qt plugins are being picked up just fine. I
> suspect the crash is due to the missing plugin, but I am not sure.
The crash is within 

 QCoreApplication::arguments ()

and it doesn't seem to crash reliable. Somehow I suspect that there is a
mixup in symbols resolution, i.e. I added code like: 

  char *a = "lala";
  SNAPQApplication app(1, &a);
  QStringList mylist = app.arguments(); 
and it crashes in this very call to app.arguments() without going
through the plug-in loading. I also call arguments() in the
SNAPQApplication() constructor to check it and there it doesn't cash. 

When I use valgrind*, then it reports "jump depends on un-initialized
values" within the final loop of  QCoreApplication::arguments (), but
only outside the constructor. 

I can only guess that the upload of QT5 that came after the upload of
libvtk6-dev which depends on QT5 broke something and a binary upload of
vtk could help.

> Could you tell me why including all VTK libs and GDCM libs was required?
I think not all VTK libs are required, but some symbols where missing,
and it was easier to add all libraries instead of finding out what is
really needed. There was also a symbol missing from GDCM. 

Note, that I worked with the dev32 branch. 


* valgrind reports a number of problems with the code. For some of them
I sent patches upstream, see

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