Hi Holger,

On  Mi 22 Okt 2014 11:35:21 CEST, Holger Levsen wrote:

Hi Wolfgang,

(re-adding the bug..)

On Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2014, Wolfgang Schweer wrote:
By default only debian-edu-artwork and debian-edu-artwork-lines are
installed. Someone who needs/wants historic artwork will intentionally
install d-e-artwork-joy or d-e-artwork-spacefun. This theme is activated
then. So IMO no huge problem.

well, imagine a school gets installed, everybody (well, most people) is happy
with the shiny lines background, time passes, some admin discovers the other
artwork packages and installs them, to give people choices. And suddenly the
phone starts to ring, as random people will have their background changed.
Some will think they have been hacked!

The system Debian Edu artwork selection happens system wide. So super-user root should better finish work first and then answer the phone. This is not on us to make people provide proper IT services.

And besides that, it's just broken design.

Also: upgrades. Say you install lines and joy and choose joy (manually, the
way it's described in this report). Or spacefun. And then, an upgrade comes,
and on some machines joy/spacefun sttill is the theme used, while on some
others it's suddenly lines. This must not happen. (But this will happen
currently as package installation order is not deterministic...)

This is indeed true. Acknowledged.

I found the above mentioned divert to be needed as:

- Gnome/gdm3 seems now to be different/not respecting configuration in
  desktop-base like kdm and lightdm.

- The gdm3 login screen seems to be already a (scriptable)
  gnome-session, configured in

- I was unable to find a way other than diverting to change the
  background (configured as a small 'repeated' image in 'background')
  inside the css file. This image fills up the whole screen (making up a
  black background).

Thanks for this description! I will think about a better way...

One approach is to only call update-debian-edu-artwork-<theme> in the bin:packages' postinst scripts if it is the current theme in use.

Additionaly, we could provide a common script "update-debian-edu-artwork <theme>" that calls any of the subscripts (if installed) and throws an error if not. This script will switch between artworks (a one-liner).

For the installation of a Debian Edu machine, however, we have to call update-debian-edu-artwork <theme>" at some point manually then.

The nice part of this would be, that debian-edu-artwork does not change a thing on installation, but requires a manual step. Years back, when I tested Debian and installed this package debian-edu-artwork, my complete system felt compromised by some weird Tux designer. We would provide a manual step to actually change several settings all over the complete system by introducing this manual activation of the Debian Edu artwork.



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