
Some more technical on this:

Right now, we get the validity via the fields in the Release files.

I'm not sure whether the following could actually help with the
technical issues (i.e. speed of distributing re-signed release files
across the mirrors), but perhaps basing the validity on the OpenPGP
signature could help a tiny bit.

That way one would just need to distribute the detached signatures and
perhaps one could also place multiple signatures along with the Release
files to assist the turn-over.
Not sure though, whether this would still work with InRelease - I guess
OpenPGP itself would probably support it, but no sure whether gnupg

Also this doesn't help with the point, that one rather needs a fast
distribution of all the Release/Packages/Sources files for shorter
validity times, at least if my analysis from message #60 is more or less


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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