Hi Martin,

So I have deleted the postgres user : (sorry, french output ;) )

jon-debian:/# deluser postgres
Suppression de l'utilisateur « postgres »...
userdel : erreur lors de la suppression de l'entrée dans /etc/shadow

It says that there is an error while deleting the user entry from /etc/shadow 
I don't know where this user came from, but it seems there's something special 
about it ...

Now :
jon-debian:/# id postgres
uid=116(postgres) gid=116(postgres) groupes=116(postgres)

So everythings looks Ok. I try to purge postgresql-7.4 packages and reinstall 
them, and it seems OK.
Anyway, I think you can close this bug report now, since it was a problem on my 
side ...

Thanks a lot,

Martin Pitt a écrit :
> Hi Jonathan!
> Jonathan Ballet [2005-12-05  9:46 +0100]:
>>Sorry for late reply. Here is the output of 'id postgresql' :
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ id postgres
>>uid=12966(postgres) gid=0(root) groupes=0(root)
>>I hope it can help ...
> It indeed does. It should actually look like
>   uid=116(postgres) gid=116(postgres) Gruppen=116(postgres)
> i. e. there are several things wrong about your user:
>   * The user ID should be smaller than 1000 to make postgres a system
>     user.
>   * postgres should have its own system group instead of being in
>     group 'root'. This is the cause for your failure.
> Since I do not believe that adduser --system created this user, I
> strongly suspect that it existed before installing postgresql-common
> already. It does not look like a regular user either, though - they
> must not be in group 'root'. 
> Thus, a quickfix for you would be to do
>   deluser postgres
> and reinstall postgresql-common and postgresql-7.4. However, please
> make double sure that you don't need that user for anything else.
> I can add a check to the postgresql-common package that will make the
> installation fail with a meaningful message if an invalid postgres
> user already exists. However, there is not much more I could do about
> that.
> Thanks,
> Martin

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