Since no upgrade ordering is not guaranteed by the package manager, I'm
looking for all possibly problematic (partial) upgrade paths from wheezy
to jessie, that includes files being moved from one package to another
(that may not have existed in wheezy.) And I try to really excercise all
paths not forbidden by Breaks/Conflicts :-)

On 2014-11-06 11:00, Ferenc Wagner wrote:
> Of course the above problem could be declared in the metadata of
> sblim-wbemcli, though 7.6 does not seem to apply here.  7.4 (Conflicts)
> seems more appropriate to me, if something really is needed.  I
> initially thought it was not, but you surely know better, please advise
> me.

If a package was in wheezy and is completely gone in jessie, unversioned
Replaces+Conflicts in the successor are OK. If the package still exists
(even as an empty transitional package), use versioned
Breaks+Replaces (<< the-first-version-no-longer-shipping-the-files~)
The trailing ~ is recommended for backports-compatibility.
Breaks are much easier to handle for the package manager than Conflicts.


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