Same issue here with nm-applet on openbox in jessie/sid.
I cannot change or add any network connections

I've added cgroup_enable=memory & init=/lib/systemd/systemd
to the kernel startup but that seem to not change any of the network
manager related issues. When nm-applet is started from the command line
it returns:
nm-applet-WARNING **: Failed to register as an agent: (32) Session not found
(nm-applet:2242): nm-applet-WARNING **: Failed to add/activate
connection: (32) No session found for uid 1000 (unknown)

Trying to add a network connection as a user returns:
(32) No session found for uid 1000 (unknown)

user is member of the following groups:
uid=1000(olsen) gid=1000(olsen)

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