On Thu, 18 Dec 2014 12:01:02 +0200, Yavor Doganov wrote:

> Thanks for your work, but unfortunately I experience exactly the same
> problem with the new version.
> $ isutf8 /var/lib/doc-base/documents/*
> $ echo $?
> 0

Ouch. I'm sorry to hear this.

Could you please provide a bit more information? I guess it would be
helpful if you could try to
- add a "puts @path" in /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/dhelp.rb:184
  (see Santiago's message #24);
- copy the output of `locale' and `/etc/cron.weekly/dhelp';
- maybe try `LC_ALL=x LANG=x /etc/cron.weekly/dhelp'
  for different versions of x.

(Hm, maybe we should set LANG/LC_ALL in the cron script. But before
that I'd like to see where it fails for Yavor.)

Thanks in advance,

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