> On Dec 19, 2014, at 5:36 AM, Matthias Klose <d...@debian.org> wrote:
> On 12/19/2014 07:40 AM, Donald Stufft wrote:
>>> On Dec 19, 2014, at 1:16 AM, Matthias Klose <d...@debian.org> wrote:
>>> On 12/19/2014 06:57 AM, Donald Stufft wrote:
>>>> Ok, I hope I did this right. I made a sid system and updated/upgraded it 
>>>> then I
>>>> did apt-get source python3.4 and used quilt to edit ensurepip-wheels.diff 
>>>> in order
>>>> to fix pip inside of a virtual environment and then I added a new patch
>>>> ensurepip-disabled.diff which I adapted from the one you have on Python 
>>>> 2.7 to
>>>> disable ensurepip when running outside of a virtual environment.
>>>> Output: https://bpaste.net/show/821a977c5f3c
>>>> ensurepip-wheels.diff: https://bpaste.net/show/4e5852496eae
>>>> ensurepip-disabled.diff: https://bpaste.net/show/5ed93f1df2fa
>>>> I built the package, installed it and tested it (that’s what you see in 
>>>> the output
>>>> link).
>>> this patch restores the behaviour to install the wheels twice, one time 
>>> into a
>>> temporary directory, and one time into a directory in the venv? why is this
>>> double copy needed? If you require the wheels permanently in the virtual
>>> environment, why would you need the copy in the tempdir?
>> It doesn’t copy them twice, it copies the wheels named in
>> /usr/share/python-wheels/%s.dependencies of which there is only currently the
>> one file, pip.dependencies whose contents are:
>> chardet
>> colorama
>> distlib
>> html5lib
>> requests
>> setuptools
>> six
>> urllib3
>> Those are the dependencies that pip itself has, but importantly it’s not pip
>> itself.
>> Then it copies the projects named in the variable _PROJECTS, which is 
>> currently
>> setuptools and pip, into a temporary directory. This isn’t strictly required
>> for Debian I think,
> so they are copied twice.

The only thing copied twice is the setuptools wheel. Everything else is copied 
The setuptools wheel is copied twice because it is both desired to be installed 
the virtual environment AND we want it in the private python-wheel directory. 
two distinct lists of wheels copied into two different directories for two 
purposes. The *only* overlap is the setuptools Wheel because it serves two 

>> upstream ensurepip copies the bundled pip/setuptools wheels
>> into a temporary directory because the stdlib might be zipped but I don’t 
>> think
>> Debian ships a zipped stdlib.
> correct.
>> Anyways, once you have the pip and the setuptools wheels copied it then does 
>> the
>> normal ensurepip logical which is basically
>> ``pip install —no-index —find-links /tmp/dir/ pip setuptools`` to actually 
>> install
>> pip and setuptools into the virtual environment.
> I don't see the pip wheel itself copied into the venv. the current loop only
> iterates over the project's (pip and setuptools) dependency wheels, not the 
> pip
> and setuptools wheels itself. These two wheels are only copied into the
> temporary directory. Yes, setuptools is in pip's dependency list, so it is 
> copied.

setuptools is in both lists because we want to install it into the virtual 
so that other people can use it (such as importing it into their setup.py) and 
we want
it to be available to pip (because pip uses it) without people being able to 
pip by upgrading / downgrading / uninstalling setuptools.

>> Essentially the first copy, into sys.prefix/lib/python-wheels is there to 
>> approximate
>> the bundled dependencies that pip normally has (we don’t want to install 
>> these into
>> the virtual environment because then ``pip uninstall requests`` inside of a 
>> virtual
>> env would break pip without a good way to fix it which is one of the reasons 
>> pip
>> bundles to begin with), and the second copy is just there to give pip a 
>> directory
>> with a pip and setuptools wheels in it so it can install pip and setuptools 
>> into
>> the virtual environment normally.
>> Does that make sense?
> I'm still unsure why you make the distinction between the temporary and the
> permanent directory. as it looks like, the setuptools in python-wheels will
> never be used.

The distinction is this:

The permanent directory Wheels are never installed, pip has been modified by 
Debian to
add all of the .whl files from sys.prefix/lib/python-wheels to the front of 
sys.path so
that when pip does ``import requests`` or ``import pkg_resources`` it’ll use 
the copy
that is inside of the .whl files sitting in sys.prefix/lib/python-wheels and it 
depend what’s actually installed into the virtual environment. You can think of 
permanent wheel directory as a sort of static linking for pip inside of a 
environment, it’s Debian making pip work like pip was designed to work inside 
of a
virtual environment even though Debian has patched it to change that in the 

The temporary directory is used by ensurepip to work around the fact that the 
library can be zipped because we *need* to have the pip and the setuptools 
inside of a directory so that ensurepip can shell out to pip and tell it to 
install the
pip and setuptools wheels into the virtual environment. Even though setuptools 
is installed
here pip won’t use it because pip adds the stuff from 
sys.prefix/lib/python-wheels to
the front of sys.path. It’s only ever used by end users for things like 
setup.py and such.

The copy into the permanent directory is absolutely required on Debian because 
it’s how
Debian “re-bundles” pip’s dependencies inside of a virtual environment, the 
copy into
a temporary directory is upstream behavior to work around the fact that the 
library might be zipped (and the wheel files we need inside of it). Since 
Debian won’t
zip the stdlib *that* copy can be removed and ensurepip adjusted to install 
directly from
the /usr/share/python-wheels directory. However it’s not as simple as just 
removing the
call to copy_wheels because that has additional logic that needs to happen as 
well and
things will break if it doesn’t.

I do not think it’s reasonable to break a documented feature of Python just to 
avoid copying
two files into a temporary directory when creating a virtual environment. It 
does not
negatively impact the long term storage of the OS (since it’s cleaned up) nor 
is it unsafe
(since it’s a securely created temporary directory). The only downside is that 
runs slightly slower.

I might be able to find time to adjust the patch again to optimize that use 
case but I
already burned time I don’t have right now to fix the patch after your 
adjustments broke it
and I’d really rather not have to bail on my other commitments to spend a bunch 
of time
making a tiny optimization that nobody is ever going to notice anyways.

Donald Stufft
PGP: 7C6B 7C5D 5E2B 6356 A926 F04F 6E3C BCE9 3372 DCFA

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