
I encountered the same issue when trying to setup LVM inside a crypt
partition. The reason for the hanging partitioner is a crashing
'parted_server' process:

kernel: [  422.613251] parted_server[15630]: segfault at 8 ip
000000000040b4b1 sp 00007fff35d63ee0 error 4 in parted_server[400000+12000]


 40b47d:   75 24                   jne    40b4a3
  40b47f:   48 8b 35 4a 70 20 00    mov    0x20704a(%rip),%rsi        #
6124d0 <stderr+0x38>
  40b486:   bf 8f fd 40 00          mov    $0x40fd8f,%edi
  40b48b:   e8 10 70 ff ff          callq  4024a0 <fputs@plt>
  40b490:   48 8b 3d 39 70 20 00    mov    0x207039(%rip),%rdi        #
6124d0 <stderr+0x38>
  40b497:   e8 54 72 ff ff          callq  4026f0 <fflush@plt>
  40b49c:   bf 8f fd 40 00          mov    $0x40fd8f,%edi
  40b4a1:   eb 3d                   jmp    40b4e0
  40b4a3:   48 8b 43 40             mov    0x40(%rbx),%rax
  40b4a7:   ba 0a 00 00 00          mov    $0xa,%edx
  40b4ac:   be 03 f4 40 00          mov    $0x40f403,%esi
 *40b4b1:   48 8b 78 08             mov    0x8(%rax),%rdi*
  40b4b5:   e8 06 6f ff ff          callq  4023c0 <strncmp@plt>
  40b4ba:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax
  40b4bc:   75 2b                   jne    40b4e9
  40b4be:   48 8b 35 0b 70 20 00    mov    0x20700b(%rip),%rsi        #
6124d0 <stderr+0x38>
  40b4c5:   bf 95 fd 40 00          mov    $0x40fd95,%edi

Boot method: USB
Image version: c5ce40b4e74f00ad94865c59b7bec2269e636955
debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso (daily from 2014-12-19)

Please let me know if you need further information to debug the problem.

Kind regards,
- reto

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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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