On 10.12.05, Liam M. Healy wrote:

Hello Liam,

> detach.lua appears to be the only script from this package that I am
> using.  All the rest begin with mod_ or dfg_, neither of which occurs
> in the package.

Thank's a lot, I *think* the problem is the following new function in
detach.lua: function detach.clientwin_manager(cwin, table). It is
called to manage to-be-opened client windows and contains the
following passage:

      local screen = cwin:screen_of()
      if screen == nil then
         screen = ioncore.find_screen_id(0)

It seems as the screen of not-yet-placed but to-be-placed windows is
not known at that time and therefore screen 0 is used as a fallback.

I am unfortunately unable to verify that conclusion right now, not
being at home and only having access to a windows machine. But expect
it to be fixed by the next weekend. :-)


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