Laurent Bigonville wrote on 10 Nov 2014:

I already looked at this and I have a proposed fix (see attached patch).

With this patch, we have now 3 situations when the package is installed:

 - The package is installed and no extra boot parameter is passed to
   the kernel: plymouth will display the details which displays the
   usual boot messages.

 - The package is installed and "splash" is passed to the kernel: A
   fancy boot screen will be displayed to the user.

 - The package is installed and "nosplash" (or "plymouth.enable=0") is
   passed to the kernel: Everything is disabled like if the package was
   not installed.

What do you think about this solution?

- First a general observation: when changing something in the boot
  procedure, the behavior should remain as close or compatible to a)
  upstream and b) Ubuntu.

  The reason is, that if something fails/breaks during boot, stuff gets
  immediately very hard to debug and very sensitive to touch (i.e. you
  break one more piece, and you're unable to boot your system and loose
  your ability to work and access your data).

  Therefore when users jump to hold on to the next best straw available -
  which I'd expect is in 99% of the time searching the web - they
  should be able to follow the instructions they find. And those will
  either be upstream or Ubuntu I'd assert.

  So if upstream/other distros are using plymouth.enable=0, then
  that should work for Debian as well.

- Secondly if you have an option called "splash", then "nospash" should be
  the contrary of "splash". That's according to logic and thus following
  the principle of least surprise.

  So if "splash" means "enable fancy boot", then "nospash" should
  accordingly mean "disable fancy boot".

  The argument "plymouth.enable=0" is precise and self-explanatory. It
  totally disables plymouth. An internet search finds mentions of
  "plymouth.enable=0" with reference to Suse, Ubuntu and Fedora, so
  compatibility with other distros is given.


PS: Came here via related bug #768314

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