Simon Horman <> writes:

> On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 09:26:36AM +0900, Christian Balzer wrote:
>> Meanwhile, here in what it what we tenuously call reality one can observe
>> the following things:
>> 1. Pacemaker broken in Jessie for more than 2 months now.
>> 2. Silence on this bug for more than one month.
>> 3. Pacemaker was recently removed from Jessie.
>> 4. The February 5th deadline is rapidly approaching, cue the laughingstock.
>> Between systemd and this gem Jessie is shaping up to be the best Debian
>> release ever...
> I wonder if there are any active members of the Debian linux-ha team.
> Speaking for and pointing the finger at myself for one who
> has been inactive for several years.
> I for one would be happy to see an NMU here.

There were a couple offers of help on the list (in October and November)
but the situation was rather hopeless already then, and nobody came up
with any plan to keep Pacemaker in testing.  Actually, I don't think
version 1.10 is really worth much effort.  I'm planning to use the
current versions of Corosync and Pacemaker on jessie, and will try to
create local packages for that.  If there is a way to use that work in
Debian, I'm most interested to hear about it.  But I don't think there's
still a way to have a modern Pacemaker in jessie.  Please prove me wrong.

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