On 2015-01-29 at 23:56:35, Francois Marier wrote:
> duplicity cleanup --ssh-options="-oIdentityFile=id_rsa 
> -oUserKnownHostsFile=known_hosts" --force scp://user@hostname/backup

If I change the above to:

  duplicity cleanup --ssh-options="-oIdentityFile=id_rsa" --force 

then it works fine.

So it seems like 0.7 stopped supporting multiple options inside
the --ssh-options option, which the manpage claims is supported:

--ssh-options options

    Allows you to pass options to the ssh backend.  Can be specified
    multiple times or as a space separated options list.  The options list
    should be of the form "-oOpt1='parm1' -oOpt2='parm2'" where the option
    string is quoted and the only spaces allowed are between options. The
    option string will be passed verbatim to both scp and sftp, whose
    command line syntax differs slightly hence the options should therefore
    be given in the long option format described in ssh_config(5).

    example of a list:

    duplicity --ssh-options="-oProtocol=2 -oIdentityFile='/my/backup/id'" 
/home/me scp://user@host/some_dir


Francois Marier           identi.ca/fmarier
http://fmarier.org      twitter.com/fmarier

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