Severity: normal
Usertags: unblock

Short version: Please unblock file 1:5.22+15-1

It entered unstable a few weeks ago, I did extensive testing before
upoading and no issues have been reported. However, switching to a new
upstream version still requires a longer explanation.

Since the latest version in jessie (1:5.20-2), at least six¹ security
issues were fixed upstream. The usual way to handle this in Debian was
to cherry-pick the relevant commits from upstream. Together with the
required prerequsites, this would have resulted in some 18 commits to
add to the patch queue, creating a complex start for file in jessie.

My decision to forward to a new upstream version (plus some more
commits) instead was also driven by the experience of backporting
fixes for wheezy and squeeze-lts which became quite complex, always
carrying the risk of introducing new bugs. For jessie, I'd like to
start at a late point so fixing future security bugs will be easier.

Note, I have not attached the debdiff as it's rather huge, some
69k lines. I will hand it in later upon request.

Kind regards,


¹ <>
  Unless noted in the tracker, the sid version of file does
  contain the fix for CVE-2014-9653. Upstream fix is commit 445c8fb
  (FILE5_21-10-g445c8fb) which is included in 5.22.

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