Brian May <> writes:

> On 14 February 2015 at 09:52, Brian May <> wrote:
> > What should I call the package? mkdocs? Or python3-mkdocs?
> Thinking about this, I will call the source python-mkdocs, but the
> binary package just mkdocs.


For the user-facing application package, it's best that the package
name, package description etc. not even mention the implementation

The implementation language is irrelevant distraction to someone
installing or using the tool for a non-programming purpose. It belongs
in debtags for the package.

This also allows for the package to be re-implemented in some other
language later without a weirdly ill-fitting name, or the disruption of
a naming change.

Choosing names for things is difficult to get right. Thanks for
considering it seriously.

 \     “Why doesn't Python warn that it's not 100% perfect? Are people |
  `\         just supposed to “know” this, magically?” —Mitya Sirenef, |
_o__)                                     comp.lang.python, 2012-12-27 |
Ben Finney <>

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