Niels Thykier <> writes:
> I do have some concerns on the performance front.  On some packages,
> this will be the "second slowest" check taking 10s or more.

Hmm.  If html files are usually only moderately common then maybe the
totality across all packages is acceptable, even if a few packages have
a lot to check.

> However, it requires that the binaries are built from the same source.

I wondered that.  Is it ok to look into arbitrary packages in the lab?
(Just asking whether they contain a given file, with symlink following.)

> performance characteristics
> of using HTML::Parser over the current approach.

I'll see if I can measure.  HTML::Parser has some C code, but makes
callbacks to perl code.

> That could make sense - I am thinking it would make sense to move the
> privacy breaker checks into the http-check file as well.  Currently, it
> scans all files matching:
>   $fname =~ m,\.(?:x?html?|js|xht|xml|css)$,i

Maybe css and js would have to be treated a little differently but the
rest yes.

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