Package: lxsession
Version: 0.5.1-2
Followup-For: Bug #780024

After direct examination of the source, I discovered lxsession-logout
calls lxlock to perform the "Lock Screen" function. In turn, the lxlock
helper script man page tells me:

  lxlock is a simple script to lock the session, using third application.
  It currently those applications, in this order (try the next one if the
  application is not available): light-locker xscreensaver
  gnome-screensaver slock xlock i3lock

I should not have to go to the source to discover this. Please
cross-reference lxlock(1) in SEE ALSO: for lxsession-logout(1). Check
any other helper scripts lxsession-logout calls and make sure they are
cross-referenced too.

Once I installed light-locker (for which there is not even a Suggests of
any package in lxde, nor lightdm itself), locking is restored, so I'll
lower this to minor and retitle.

I guess my originally reported issue (not being able to lock the screen)
was a consequence of some restructuring of the lightdm package, as I do
not use, nor have any desire to use xscreensaver, which is the default
locker for LXDE in Debian (though interestingly, lxlock seems to prefer
light-locker, listing it first).

Any user making the same decision I did (dump the unnecessary
xscreensaver in preference for the lighter, "just lock the screen and
nothing else" light-locker ought to be directed to the appropriate
documentation for setting that up. Admittedly, if I had tried this, I
might have found it:

$ apropos lock | grep -i lx
lxlock (1)           - locking utility for LXDE

However, a cross-reference from the "obvious" starting point of
lxsession-logout(1) (or if you started at lxpanel(1), there's a chain
of xrefs via lxsession(1) to get here) would make the discovery process


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