On dim., 2015-03-08 at 08:35 -0300, Ben Armstrong wrote:
> I wanted to use dm-tool to debug a problem I'm having (lxpanel > "Lock
> screen" does not lock the screen, which I will report separately on that
> package) so I tried "dm-tool lock" to verify if locking works at all.
> Unfortunately, instead of locking the current VT (vt7), it opened a new
> one and locked it instead (vt8).

Actually that's not what happens. dm-tool locks will just call the
Lock() dbus method on the current seat. In response to that, lightdm
will emit a dbus signal for locking, then switch vt to display a login

See the following thread [1] where I raised exactly those issues. There
are other threads on this, for example about lxsession [2].
> After locking, I pressed ctrl-alt-f7 to return to vt7 and observed it
> was still unlocked, then pressed ctrl-alt-f8 and entered my password to
> unlock vt8. Upon unlocking, I was switched back to vt7.

That's because you don't have anything waiting for the dbus signal. If
you really want to use dm-tool lock (or switch-to-greeter), you need a
locker running on the session, like light-locker or the GNOME ones
(gnome-shell, unity or whatever).

[1] http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/lightdm/2014-January/000494.html
[2] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxsession/+bug/1205384

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