@David:  I think there's currently no AUCTex list where one can post to
without being subscribed or having to wait for moderator approval,
therefore I'm sending this to you.

Rogério Brito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Nov 03 2005, Stefan Ulrich wrote:
>> Thanks for CCing me on this - I didn't know that AUCTeX had support
>> for inverse search with xdvi.
> Oops. I don't know if AUCTeX really has support for inverse search (I
> will have to check the manual).

I don't use it personally, but according to the manual AUCTEX does have
support for inverse search.

> What I meant is that, with AUCTeX, you can (easily) enable source
> specials and, with your xdvi-search.el, this means that Emacs can use
> easily the forward/backward search with xdvi(k).

It should be possible with AUCTeX, too.  According to the manual, even
AUCTeX in sarge supports forward and inverse search.

> IMVHO, this is an extra reason to have xdvi-search.el available.

I think xdvi-search.el is useful for people that use the standard TeX
mode (which is perhaps more suited for plain TeX), but if anything is
missing in AUCTeX that xdvi-search.el has, it should rather be
integrated in AUCTeX.  But I assume that the AUCTeX developers already
had a look at xdvi-search.el

>> If it does now, it probably doesn't make sense to maintain a separate
>> package like xdvi-search.el any more. I would probably keep the
>> version on http://xdvi.sourceforge.net/xdvi-search.el for reference
>> only and update the xdvi documentation to point to AUCTeX instead.
> Please, see the comments above. I think that now it matters much more
> than earlier to have xdvi-search.el available.

I don't see why.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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