On Sat, 2015-03-21 at 11:13 +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote: 
> The configuration consists of a full file, and the choice for some
> option may depend on others.
That way you could *never* change anything nor upgrade systems.
Get a new firefox version, and the whole binary blob profile may
completely be upgraded, old algos disabled etc. pp.

> So, as soon as the file is modified, it must be considered that
> the configuration has been chosen by the admin and mustn't be
> modified automatically. This is at least how debconf behaves.
Even if you say that *any* modification of *any* part of the whole
abstract configuration would need the whole configuration to be
considered "locally modified", then this wouldn't work out in practise.
Take the firefox example, or take any program where the main config file
e.g. imports some conf.d/ file, and where it would then also be
impossible to modify unchanged files in conf.d/ just when the main file
was changed locally.


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