On Mon, 2015-03-23 at 14:23 +0100, Egmont Koblinger wrote: 
> > Having set the wrong TERM breaks all kinds of things and there is no
> > real way to correct that (setting it in .bashrc or friends would do this
> > for all terminals!).
> That's not quite true: you can check for $VTE_VERSION in your .bashrc.
Sorry, I meant "real" in the sense of "portable".
Of course one can always find out somehow, and if by using ps(1), but I
don't want to maintain a list of variable which dozens of terminal
emulator set or set not, just to find out what's actually running.
This is the job of terminfo, and if someone would write now another
layer to correctly detect things because terminfo is fooled, it would
likely just take a few years until that is als fooled by just setting
these variables (just see how many browsers announce themselves as
Mozilla ^^).

Best wishes,

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