Severity: minor
Tags: patch


I am a DM.

My application process is in state "AM approved".

When I go to I have this message
> Jean-Michel Vourgère already has an LDAP record (finger
>, so their name, uid and email cannot be changed
> here. The email address can be changed using the LDAP
> Gateway.

I do not have an account yet, so I expected another message.

restricted/templates/restricted/person.html does test
> if "edit_ldap" not in vperms.perms
but backend.models.PersonVisitorPermissions._can_edit_ldap_fields
returns False when visitor is not admin and progress==PROGRESS_AM_OK.

Attached is a proposal of an alternative message.


diff --git a/restricted/templates/restricted/person.html b/restricted/templates/restricted/person.html
index b8e4796..b2b0ec0 100644
--- a/restricted/templates/restricted/person.html
+++ b/restricted/templates/restricted/person.html
@@ -24,10 +24,14 @@
 {% if "edit_ldap" not in vperms.perms %}
-{{person.fullname}} already has an LDAP record (<tt>finger
-{{person.uid}}</tt>), so their name, uid and email cannot be
-changed here. The email address can be changed using the
-<a href="";> LDAP Gateway</a>.
+Name, uid and email cannot be changed here:<br>
+Either {{person.fullname}} already has an LDAP record (<tt>finger
+{{person.uid}}</tt>): In that case the email address can be
+changed using the
+<a href="";> LDAP Gateway</a>;
+Or {{person.fullname}} application progress is past the point where you are
+allowed to change these data from here.
 {% endif %}

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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