Holger Wansing <li...@wansing-online.de> (2014-10-05):
> The help pages on the initial d-i boot screen list the short boot commands 
> "install", "expert", rescue", "installgui", "expertgui", rescuegui", 
> which are all no longer working (at least on x86).
> That is on pages F3, F4, F6, F7, F8.

So a fix is pending as documented in #781853.

> Additionally, the help page for copyrights and warranties is no longer at F10
> (as it should be, according to the overview found on F1), it has moved to F11.

I'll try and figure out why that is, but I must confess this is likely
to be ignored for D-I Jessie RC3 if I don't figure it out within a few
minutes. (In which case I'll open a wishlist bug report to keep track
of it for a later fix.)


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