Hi Aaron,

On Tue, 13 Jan 2015 10:27:27 Aaron Bohy wrote:
> I am part of the Odoo team working on packaging and we are currently
> working on an Odoo 8.0 package for the Debian archive.

Good to know that you guys are interested to bring Odoo to Debian.

> Here is our work so far: https://mentors.debian.net/package/odoo
> There are still some lintian errors or warnings.
This is practically the upstream packaging unmodified, right?

> Many of them are due to the fact that Odoo embeds javascript libraries, and
> those libraries are often minified. However, we prefer to keep those
> libraries
> in the archive to have a better control of those libraries updates.

It is OK to keep 3rd party javascripts in the source tree as long as there are 
no pre-built (minified) files.
It should come without saying but Copyright, License and the Origins of all 
3rd party files should be documented -- this is often not the case for 3rd 
party components bundled within Odoo sources.

> We also get a warning because we put image files in /usr/lib, but we
> can't put images apart from python code.

According to Python policy, application modules should be installed privately 
so the problem is not the images in "/usr/lib" (we can tolerate that) but the 
stuff that should go to "/usr/lib/odoo" but instead goes to 

> About the script-with-language-extension, we could replace odoo.py by
> odoo

It's OK if script is installed privately (not to "/usr/bin)...

> but
> we prefer not to do so as it could break scripts of people already using the
> deb packages published on http://nightly.odoo.com/, especially because v8.0
> is
> the stable version of Odoo (released in Sep. 14).

I doubt we can maintain compatibility with dysfunctional upstream packaging.
Hopefully when Debian package is finished you may be relieved from burden of 
maintaining it upstream. ;)

> We would like to do a RFS for this package. What do you think?

I'm sorry to say that your package is light years away from Debian 
requirements. While we can help with packaging the show stoppers are actually 
the upstream bugs such as bundled non-free components and even files with 
undocumented origins, license and copyright. I've logged some of the problems 
I've spotted in "debian/BUGS" file, see my draft packaging [1].

If you're serious about getting Odoo into Debian then we will need your help 
fixing those problems first. Also I invite you to look at patches (in case you 
can recognise something useful to include upstream). We will have to address 
all Lintian warnings, etc.

Unfortunately what's required is much more sophisticated packaging. You can 
appreciate the sheer complexity of "debian/copyright" file alone.

[1]: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/odoo.git/

I've deleted old repository (there were nothing useful there but plenty of 
non-DFSG stuff and all the history of upstream changes since beginning of 
time). New repository is initialised with my draft packaging.

Since nobody produced visible packaging progress so far I might be taking over 
ITP/#638720 soon.

Best wishes,
 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/53968D1B


There is no such thing as public opinion. There is only published opinion.
        -- Winston Churchill

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