On Tue, 14 Apr 2015 14:38, j...@debian.org said:

> Sorry, I was under the impression this was a discussion about actually
> improving the situation, not about Debian being used as a playground for
> petty complaints about other upstreams. 

Sorry, this is serious brokenness which is going on for years.  For the
records let me conclude:

Jessie will be released with a default GNOME and an optional XFCE
desktop featuring these bugs affecting GnuPG

  - S/MIME (gpgsm) does not work at all.

  - Smartcards for GPG won't work.

  - GnuPG's included ssh-agent can't be used.

  - The passphrase protection of GnuPG private keys has been reduced to
    a security level we had before 2010.

  - Brute forcing symmetric encrytion is as easy as before 2010.
    (~300 times faster on an i5-2410M, 2.3Ghz)

This has been justified by a better looking passphrase entry dialog for
GPG keys in GNOME's keyring-manager.



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