
Am 2015-04-15 um 23:46 schrieb derMaria:
> whenever I get a mail from someone who encrypted the Message with "OpenPGP für
> Windows Phone" from Christoph Müller <http://www.windowsphone.com/de-
> de/store/app/openpgp-f%C3%BCr-windows-phone/0a1906e2-eb48-4cdb-bbab-
> 30ea308b9065> I cannot decrypt the message. That program seems to encrypt only
> attached files, not the mail body. When I click "decrypt and open file" in
> Icedove 31.6.0 it creates a 0 Byte textfile and opens it in my texteditor.

Hmm, is there any change you could get someone with this App to send me
an encrypted test message? I don't have any access to a Windows-based

You could also try the enigmail version from experimental (1.8.2-1),
maybe it fixes the problem.


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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