* Helge Hafting ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Package: mozilla-firefox
> Version: 1.0.7-1
> Severity: important
> I tried to start firefox twice.  The first start apparently crashed somehow,
> the second one wnated me to "choose profile" because the default user
> was in use already.
> I can't get out of this.  "ps aux" confirms no firefoxes running.
> Logging out of X and in again did not help either.
> Removing .moxilla/ .mozilla-firefox/ and .firefox/ didn't help either.
> I couldn't see anything obvious in /tmp either, so I have no idea
> what keeps firefox thinking there is a running instance.

It's strange that this wouldn't solve the problem. All the profile
data is in .mozilla. Can you try purging the package and reinstalling? 
> I can't use firefox anymore, unless I create more profiles.  I don't want that
> though - that'd only be a stupid workaround.  Somehow, mozilla has decided
> that the "default" user is permanently "in use" and I have no idea how to
> get out of that.  The bug is that it is possible to get into such a situation,
> firefox should really check to see if there is another process.
> Or even better - an extra button for forcibly using the "busy" user.
> The option to force a program to go against its own mistakes jsut feels good. 
> :-) 
> Also, I cannot see why firefox should bother implementing its own "multiuser"
> system.  The operating system does that already, that part could perhaps be 
> made optional, to be compiled only on single-user platforms.  That'd make
> for a leaner firefox.  Or if could be removed
> outright - it doesn't seem useful.  (I can see how it might have been
> useful in the old days, when mozilla web & mail was the same app.  
> But now it is just web, and the "multiuser" thing could be left to
> mail apps that may have to access several accounts.)

I do tend to agree with this sentiment. I don't think there's a way to
disable it however (and even if I did, I'm sure others would complain
they like it).
> Finally, I don't get it - what's the point of stopping me from running several
> firefox processes?  It is actually convenient, if one browser crashes on some
> difficult site (or bad plugins) the other ones remains running.  I can of 
> course
> achieve this by running several instances of "dillo" and one firefox, but
> dillo is limited compared to firefox.  Sure, several processes will
> eat more memory - but I have enough I think.

Well it would be difficult to synchronize bookmarks, history, etc
between the processes. 

> Don't misunderstand me, I like firefox and appreciate the effort that goes 
> into
> making it.  But this was a nasty surprise.  The punishment for using 
> "testing" :-)

Eric Dorland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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