Am 22.04.2015 um 12:10 schrieb Rick Thomas:
> This works.  Interestingly, without the sleep loop the vgchange
> fails.
> Now, you say that a VM with two virtual disks configured as RAID1
> with a logical volume works fresh out of the box.  This makes me
> wonder if it’s some kind of a timing problem…  It takes a few seconds
> for the freshly rebooted system to find the USB-Flash sticks and
> assemble them.  So  some time-out is triggered in the systemd stuff
> on my setup, while your setup has no such physical constraints —
> everything is available immediately.

So you're running vgchange in a loop, which suggests that the
lvm2-activation.service and lvm2-activation-early.service unitsas
shipped by lvm2 are not sufficient. Those are supposed to run vgchange.

I notice, that the /etc/init.d/lvm2 init script has
Should-Start: mdadm-raid
but the systemd unit files have no such ordering.

I wonder, if that makes a difference.

Could you copy /lib/systemd/system/lvm2-activation.service to
/etc/systemd/system and add a line
to the [Unit] section.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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