
[Resending to keep bugs.debian.org in the loop]

Dne Sun, 26 Apr 2015 22:52:27 +0200 (CEST)
Tomas Pospisek <tpo_...@sourcepole.ch> napsal(a):

> I think you are interpreting the Debian policy too narrowly.
> I agree with you that the policy page says that "When several packages all 
> provide different versions of the same program or file" ...
> However that does not represent the actual usage of alternatives inside 
> Debian:
>    $ update-alternatives --list editor
>    /bin/ed
>    /usr/bin/mcedit
>    /usr/bin/vim.basic
>    /usr/bin/vim.nox
>    /usr/bin/vim.tiny
> Unless you can prove me otherwise, I'll maintain that neither 'ed' nor 
> 'vim' contain a program called 'editor'. Nor do pinfo or info contain a 
> program called 'infobrowser':
>    $ update-alternatives --list infobrowser
>    /usr/bin/info
>    /usr/bin/pinfo
> I think if you look, you will find more examples of such usage in 
> /etc/alternatives.
> Now let's consult the update-alternatives man page for referrence:
>    "It  is  possible  for several programs fulfilling the same or similar
>     functions [sic!] to be installed on a single system at the same time.
>     For example, many systems have several text editors installed at once.
>     This gives choice to the users of a system, allowing each to use a
>     different editor, if desired, but makes it difficult for a program to
>     make a good choice for an editor to invoke if the user has not
>     specified a particular preference."

I think you're mixing up two different things there. There are indeed
few generic alternatives within Debian (like editor, view, www-browser
or pager), however display is not one of them. It is a program with
defined command line interface provided by ImageMagick (or rather
graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat these days). So I don't think it's
good idea to mix it with alternatives and completely different tool. 

Anyway if you want to do this, you first need to persuade
graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat maintainers to make /usr/bin/display
use alternatives and then report bugs against different viewers to
support this interface.

PS: I still think that xdg-open or see are better tools for this

        Michal Čihař | http://cihar.com | http://blog.cihar.com

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