Package: dh-linktree
Version: 0.4
Severity: wishlist
Tags: patch

I think it would be better if dh-linktree would not fail on invaid actions.

dh-linktree functionality may be extended to support new experimental actions  
or additional actions may be used by some hypothetical alternative tools that 
understand .linktree format.

Perhaps it could be useful to warn about unknown actions but continue to 
process known ones. The change is trivial:

--- a/dh_linktree
+++ b/dh_linktree
@@ -176,9 +176,9 @@
        while (@srclinks) {
                my $action=shift @srclinks;
                my $src=File::Spec->canonpath(shift @srclinks);
                my $dest=File::Spec->canonpath(shift @srclinks);
-               error("invalid action '$action'")
+               warning("invalid action '$action'")
                        if $action !~ /^(embed|replace|deduplicate)$/;
                if (! -l "/$src" and -d _) {
                        find(sub {
                                return if -d and ! -l;


Thank you.

 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/53968D1B


You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something,
sometime in your life.
        -- Victor Hugo, "Villemain", 1845
           (often misattributed to Winston Churchill)

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