This bug is still present in Bind9 package that is provided in Jessie...

Two things:

- That would be awesome if that bug could be fixed (even for Jessie) since it breaks systems which rely on resolvconf to setup their local resolver. - This service is not enabled by default, whatever the value of the /etc/default/bind9 conffile file which defines the RESOLVCONF parameter. I see a BC break there (or should we consider that parameters from /etc/default are sysvinit scripts specific?)

Due to this bug, we had to work around in our control panel installer as follow:

my $serviceMngr = iMSCP::Service->getInstance();

if($service->isSystemd() && -f '/lib/systemd/system/bind9-resolvconf.service') {
   if($self->{'config'}->{'LOCAL_DNS_RESOLVER'} eq 'yes') {
# Work around #IP-1333 ( related to ) # Note: This systemd system service units file is provided by bind9 package my $file = iMSCP::File->new( filename => '/lib/systemd/system/bind9-resolvconf.service' );
      my $fileContent = $file->get();
      unless(defined $fileContent) {
         error(sprintf('Unable to read %s', $file->{'filename'}));
         return 1;
      } elsif($fileContent !~ /RemainAfterExit=yes/) {
$fileContent =~ s%(ExecStop=/sbin/resolvconf -d lo.named\n)%$1RemainAfterExit=yes%;
         $rs = $file->set($fileContent);
         $rs ||= $file->save();
         return $rs if $rs;

   } else {

That is a lot of work only for a missing option.

Thanks you.

Laurent Declercq
iHMS/i-MSCP Project Lead

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