Hello Peter,
(not being the maintainer I tried to reproduce)

By removing from ~/.wxHexEditor the line "LastUpdateCheckTime=1.4316e+09" I could reproduce the opening of the update checking window.

But in Jessie/KDE I am able to simply close this window with the "X" in the window bar and then the regular wxHexEditor window opens.
Therefore really "renders package unusable"?

If debian packaging just requires to disable the upstream version check then attached patch would do this.

Kind regards,
Description: Disable check for newer upstream version
Author: Bernhard Übelacker <bernha...@vr-web.de>

Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/785248
Last-Update: 2015-05-14

--- wxhexeditor-0.22+repack.orig/src/HexEditorFrame.cpp
+++ wxhexeditor-0.22+repack/src/HexEditorFrame.cpp
@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ HexEditorFrame::HexEditorFrame( wxWindow
 	MyNotebook->Connect( wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, wxAuiNotebookEventHandler(  HexEditorFrame::OnNotebookTabSelection ), NULL,this );
 	MyNotebook->Connect( wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_UP, wxAuiNotebookEventHandler(  HexEditorFrame::OnNotebookTabClose ), NULL,this );
+#if 0 /* Debian bug #785248 */
 	bool update_enable = false;
 	if ( not wxConfigBase::Get()->Read(_T("UpdateCheck"), &update_enable )){
 		update_enable = true;
@@ -196,6 +197,7 @@ HexEditorFrame::HexEditorFrame( wxWindow
 	#if defined( _DEBUG_ ) && defined( __WXMSW__ )

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