On 2015-05-31 13:01:54, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote:
> Hi, 

Hi Martin,

> If we want to provide a vagrant box, that is an official image, i think
> our users will expect any of those provisioning providers to work out of
> the box.
> Thus including those into the vagrant default box makes sense.
> Cheers,
> Martin, who is a heavy user of vagrant at work!

Honestly I do not know anybody who is using vagrant boxes without any
additional configuration.

All people I know messing around with them. So I think having minimal base and
allow users to build on top of it is a good thing.
I also have to agree that having base minimal box and multiply boxes with
different provisioners is having lots of sense; only problem with it may be
maintenance overhead but as Jan wrote this can be overcome with automated
build process.

Marcin, who is a heavy user of vagrant at work as well :-)

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