Il 03/10/2014 18:31, Michal Suchanek ha scritto:
> Hello,
> thanks for your quick replies.
> Excerpts from Maximiliano Curia's message of Fri Oct 03 16:55:01 +0200 2014:
>> ¡Hola Michal!
>> El 2014-10-03 a las 14:06 +0000, Michal Suchanek escribió:
>>> after finally running cinnamon I tried to open a terminal (evilvte) and
>>> cinnamon immediately crashed. I tried restarting it grom that fallback mode
>>> dialog but it crashed immediately again. Closing the terminal window allowed
>>> cinnamon to be restarted. I suspected evilvte is in some way truly evil and
>>> kills cinnamon but I created a new folder on the desktop, opened it, and
>>> cinnamon crashed again when the file manager window opened.
>> In the attached xsession-errors file I see a weird sequence of actions, and
>> I'm not sure if the output is mixed with some other session.
>> Can you please copy the file before trying to start a failing application?
> I attach a file befor and after crash.
> It seems metacity is used in fallback session and gnome panel is used
> also either in main or fallback session.
> Hence they run in the crashed session and without them cinnamon fails
> completely when an error occurs.
>> So we can see the output generated by the failing application (just the
>> difference pasted in would be ideal).
>>> Xsession: X session started for root at Fri Oct  3 14:00:41 UTC 2014
>> It's highly disrecommended to use a graphical session as root.
> I know about that. It however does not make any meaningful difference
> for single user system unless I were to create a separate user account
> for every application.
>>> W: [pulseaudio] main.c: This program is not intended to be run as root 
>>> (unless --system is specified).
>>> (cinnamon:2324): St-CRITICAL **: st_widget_get_theme_node called on the 
>>> widget [0xb9150658] which is not in the 
>>> stage.
>>>       JS LOG: Invalid network device type, is 14
>>> *********************************WARN_ONCE*********************************
>>> File ../../../../../../../src/mesa/drivers/dri/radeon/radeon_swtcl.c 
>>> function r100_swtcl_flush line 339
>>> Rendering was 1 commands larger than predicted size. We might overflow  
>>> command buffer.
>>> ***************************************************************************
>>> drmRadeonCmdBuffer: -22. Kernel failed to parse or rejected command stream. 
>>> See dmesg for more info.
>>> x-session-manager[2172]: WARNING: Application 'cinnamon.desktop' killed by 
>>> signal 15
>> I think the video driver you are using is dying when the composite manager
>> tries to start.
> It's dying at the time a window opens. Is starting a compositing manager
> delayed until that point?
> Either way, it looks like Mesa sends something unintelligible to the
> GPU.
> They talked about reworking and adding some new features to r100 so
> maybe there is an awesome new bug there.
>>>       JS LOG: About to start Cinnamon
>>>       JS LOG: Cinnamon started at Fri Oct 03 2014 14:01:01 GMT+0000 (UTC)
>>> (cinnamon:2421): St-CRITICAL **: st_widget_get_theme_node called on the 
>>> widget [0xba07c670] which is not in the 
>>> stage.
>>>       JS LOG: Invalid network device type, is 14
>>> drmRadeonCmdBuffer: -22. Kernel failed to parse or rejected command stream. 
>>> See dmesg for more info.
>> Mmh, and it also dies in the fallback mode.
>>> x-session-manager[2172]: WARNING: App 'cinnamon.desktop' respawning too 
>>> quickly
>>> x-session-manager[2172]: CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. 
>>> Sorry....
>> That's the end of the cinnamon session.
>>> (gnome-panel:2437): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_accelerator_parse_with_keycode: 
>>> assertion 'accelerator != NULL' failed
>> I don't know why you are running gnome-panel, but that's not cinnamon 
>> related.
>> So, this seems to be another desktop environment session, did you start it or
>> was automatically started?
> It starts automagically when cinnamon fails.
>> Can you please let us know if you can use any composite window manager at 
>> all?
> Presumably I am running a compositing manager because xcompmgr refuses
> to start on the excuse that a compositing manager is running.
> Is metacity doing compositing?
>> Also, there are no traces of evitvte or the file manager failing in this log.
> They aren't really failing. They just open a window that makes cinnamon
> crash and keep running.
> The file manager is running anyway so there would be no trace of it in the 
> log.
> Thanks
> Michal

Can someone test with cinnamon 2.6 please? Cinnamon and muffin have
commits with fix/improvements probably related.

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