On Fri, 19 Jun 2015 17:19:56 federico wrote:
> Severity: important

I'm not sure how this problem could possibly qualify for severity "important".

> I followed the error and think that the file /etc/zm/zm.conf is the culprit.
> The owner for this file is root:root and I suspect it should be
> root:www-data.
> After running:
>         chown root:www-data /etc/zm/zm.conf
> The service started without troubles.

Thank you. I see two ways to fix this problem:

 A) "chgrp www-data /etc/zm/zm.conf" from postinst.

 B) Add corresponding note to setup instructions in README.Debian.

The first approach "A" is easier but the second idea "B" encourage systems 
administrator to review permission and ownership of the config file.

I presume that sysadmin should always verify access of the config file after 
initial setup so perhaps that's why I forgot to mention that in the setup 

Federico, what do you prefer?

 Dmitry Smirnov.


It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only
be grasped one link at a time.
        -- Winston Churchill

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