On Fri, Dec 23, 2005 at 01:31:16AM +0100, Marco d'Itri wrote:

> Yet another very peculiar definition from you.

Well, that's the first thing thaught in programming theory here. If the
algorithm matches the specification, then it is correct. If the
specification does not cover something, then the algorithm is free to
choose whatever behaviour it prefers.

Of course, a correct algorithm is not neccessarily the best. Bubblesort
is correct since the traditional sorting specification does not put
constraints on the number of comparisons, but there is a reason people
prefer to use qsort when there are more than a handful of elements :-)

> Which is true, but does not mean that the current behaviour is correct
> and should not be changed.

Then convince upstream to change the current behaviour. Or write a
patch, and convince the Debian glibc team that Debian should diverge
from upstream behaviour.


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