> > does your script work if "someplace" contains spaces?  can
 > > /etc/network/interfaces deal with that syntax?  a quick look
 > > at your diff makes me think that it won't.
 > The problem here is that ifupdown does not allow spaces in interface
 > names. If one needs to connect to SSIDs containing spaces, one could
 > either use its BSSID or a mapping script.
 > One could argue a mapping script should always be used, but I like the
 > simplicity of having wpasupplicant just working after installing it.

but only "just works" for you.  :-)

one solution is to do something like that done by "iwgetid --scheme",
which compresses out all non-alphanumerics from the SSID, so that
it can be used for purposes such as this.  i suspect this could
be done quite simply in your script by a small sed or tr command.
but this only works for known nets -- not for the corner coffee shop,
whose SSID you don't know in advance.

another, possibly more complete solution, would be for
wpa_supplicant to allow configuring an "id" string along with the
network when it is described in wpa_supplicant.conf.  this
identity (which could default to the SSID) would be passed to the
wpa_cli as an argument along with the connect/disconnect event. 
the identity string, since it would be specified by the user in
the wpa_supplicant config, is guaranteed to be useful in a simple
ifup management script such as yours.  (i.e., the id i specified
in my wpa_supplicant.conf file whould match a mapping name in
/etc/network/interfaces.  it would be the key that links the two
config files.)

 paul fox, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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