❦  3 juillet 2015 16:02 +0200, Olav Morken <olav.mor...@uninett.no> :

>> > I still think something should be done, but I don't have any good
>> > suggestions. Mentioning it in documentation could work, but I wouldn't
>> > expect people to read that when installing the package. Maybe at least
>> > mention it in the relevant location in haproxy.cfg
>> Another solution would be for rsyslog to implement a trigger to detect
>> new files in /etc/rsyslog.d and reload when this is the case.
> You are thinking of a trigger that would run after package 
> installation? If the maintainers of rsyslog are willing to implement 
> that, it would certainly be a good solution, which I think many 
> packages would find useful.

I have filed a bug about this. I'll add the reference once I receive the
bug number back.
Let the machine do the dirty work.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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