On Sat, Dec 24, 2005 at 12:50:09AM +0100, Ross Boylan wrote:
> Package: lynx
> Version: 2.8.5-2sarge1
> Severity: normal
> I used lynx to go to lists.debian.org | user lists | kde | Nov 2005
> This got me the first page of the lists for November; the top line
> indicated there were 4 pages.  However, the navigation links at the
> top and bottom of the list to get to the other pages didn't work.

lynx is counting 4 pages of display.  But that's not the same as a webpage.

The navigation links on this page are using a different count - they're
referring to different webpages rather than pages of display.
It's easy to see this by viewing the page's html (by pressing a backslash
in lynx to toggle source-view).  The links that show up in lynx like this:

   [first page] <
   [previous page] Page 1 of 1 >
   [next page] >| 
   [last page]

all point to "threads.html", which is the page you're looking at.

Thomas E. Dickey

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