On Wed, Jul 08, 2015 at 06:25:31PM -0400, James McCoy wrote:
> According to the release notes for Ruby 2.2:
>     bundled libraries:
>         Update Psych 2.0.8
>         Update Rake 10.4.2
>         Update RDoc 4.2.0
>         Update RubyGems 2.4.5
>         Update test-unit 3.0.8 (removed from repository but bundled in 
> tarball)
> test-unit isn't maintained in the repository, but it's still being
> shipped as part of the official Ruby tarball.  Why then is Debian's ruby
> package not providing the same?

Because we have not been using the official Ruby tarball, but a tarball
created from the release tags, and I didn't notice that test-unit was
actually supposed to be shipped.

I'm not very keen on re-duplicating test-unit in ruby2.2, but I think we
could probably make ruby or ruby-dev depend on the existing Debian

Antonio Terceiro <terce...@debian.org>

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