Le 24/07/2015 16:43, Steve M. Robbins a écrit :
> On July 23, 2015 08:44:04 PM Philip Hands wrote:
>> Julien Lamy <l...@unistra.fr> writes:
>>> * Package name    : dcmtkpp
>>>   Version         : 0.2.1
>>>   Upstream Author : Julien Lamy <l...@unistra.fr>
>>> * URL             : https://github.com/lamyj/dcmtkpp
>>> * License         : CeCILL-B
>>>   Programming Lang: C++
>>>   Description     : Wrappers around DCMTK to have an easier API
>>> DCMTK++ is a set of wrappers around DCMTK, leveraging C++ constructs to
>>> have an easier API, notably for the networking part. Included are
>>> exception-based error handling, generic access to datasets elements,
>>> standard JSON representation of datasets, explicit messages and generic
>>> implementation of SCU and SCP.
>> Some indication of what field of endeavour this package might be of
>> interest to would be helpful.
>> It seems, after some searching, that DCMTK is an acronym encompassing the
>> acronym DICOM, which is something to do with medical imaging.
>> Medical imagining is a minority interest, so it would be good if the
>> short description allowed the majority of people to quickly determine
>> that they don't need this.
>> Something like:  C++ library for dealing with DICOM medical imagery
> Philip: I agree with essentially all your points.  
> However, while acknowledging that medical imaging is indeed "minority 
> interest": within that community, DCMTK is a very well-known DICOM toolkit, 
> so 
> I'd advocate for retaining DCMTK in the short description.
> Perhaps: C++ wrapper library for DCMTK (DICOM medical imaging toolkit)

Philip and Steve: thank you for your suggestions. I have written the ITP
bug report way too quickly, and the description indeed needs a lot of
clarifying. My apologies for this.

Would you agree with the following modifications?

Short description: C++ wrapper library for DCMTK (DICOM toolkit)

Long description:
DCMTK++ is a wrapper library for DCMTK, a toolkit handling the DICOM
medical imaging standard. DCMTK++ leverages C++ constructs to provide a
more user-friendly API, notably for the networking part. Included in
DCMTK++ are exception-based error handling, generic access to datasets
elements, standard JSON representation of datasets, and generic
implementation of messages, clients and servers for the various DICOM

Other relevant information:
Compared to the two main free-software C++ DICOM toolkits (DCMTK and
GDCM), DCMTK++ provides either additional features (generic
implementation of DICOM servers, missing from GDCM) and a modern C++ API
(missing from DCMTK). We think that developers of DICOM application
would benefit from DCMTK++, in term of code readability and ease of
application maintenance.

The package will be maintained by the Debian Med team [1], and packaging
is underway on Alioth [2].

[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-med/2015/07/msg00112.html
[2] https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debian-med/dcmtkpp.git/

I hope this clarifies your concerns; don't hesitate to come back to me
if you have more questions.

Best regards,
Julien Lamy

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