Dear maintainer,

Same problem here (on two different laptops, both using
Intel chipsets).

Following the advices above, I've forced /usr/bin/x-window-manager
to point to /usr/bin/kwin_x11 using
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/x-window-manager x-window-manager \
                   /usr/bin/kwin_x11 90

When I log in kwin_x11 is well running :

root@fraef-lap62l:~# ps -elf | awk '($15 == "kwin_x11") { print }'
0 R michal    1813  1521  1  80   0 - 216553 -     11:28 ? 00:00:11 kwin_x11 
-session 1013cd5ff132000143824720400000019810025_1438248401_784434

but windows still have no decorations and can't be moved, no virtual
desktop neither.

Any hint ?

Best regards,

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