Control: tags -1 moreinfo

Hi Antti,
I did a quick review of the package, since it should be time for
an unstable upload.

Some nitpicks (and some showstoppers to me):

1) d/changelog: please update the changelog to point to unstable suite
(maybe also refresh the timestamp)

2) d/changelog might benefit of a "\n" in the first comment line
(after a full stop it is good to go in a new line)

3) d/copyright file lists twice GPL-2+ licensethis isn't a problem, but you can 
do something like

License: GPL-2+
License: GPL-2+
and at the end
License: GPL-2+
[license text]

to avoid license duplication

4) d/copyright: you should add yourself to the copyright file, since you are 
going to work
on the packaging of qemuctl

5) d/control: what about team maintaining the tool and setting you as uploader?
pkg-qemu-devel team might want to have that package under the team umbrella

6) d/watch file: you might want to use the Debian redirector instead of 
pointing directly to sf

7) d/rules,d/clean: instead of override_dh_clean you might want to create a 
debian/clean, and add
"debian/qemuctl.1" as content, to save some bits in your rules file

8) d/rules: you might want to remove lines from 3 to 8, they are autogenerated

9) d/rules, please add
export QT_SELECT=4
because otherwise compilation might fail if you have both installed in your 

(good reference from lisandro, our Debian QT Maintainer)

10) d/*.lintian-overrides: I see twice the lintian override

"no-upstream-changelog", are you sure it is needed for both binary and source 
(note: I didn't check this)

let me know when you have fixed them, thanks!
(some of them are just suggestions, feel free to drop them with a line like
"I do not want to change that, because I feel better that way")



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