On Thu, 6 Aug 2015 17:33:27 +0200 Jordi Pujol Palomer
<jordipuj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> dependencies have not been a problem for me,
> version 1.58 of that libraries was already installed.
> the real problem is on maven tests,
> the package compiled after modifying the file
> debian/maven.properties
> uncomment the line:
> #maven.test.skip=true

I can confirm that the package builds fine against boost 1.58 and have
fixed the issue with the tests.  I will upload one more version of 6
with these fixes (essentially a binNMU + a one-liner patch for the
tests), and then return to working on the upload of 7.0.8 that Matthias
has suggested.


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